You can also see which artists and songs influenced your color palette the most. All of these are present as a percentage while the core color is influenced by these. You can view your personalized color palette based on certain factors including energy, valence (positivity), and danceability. This tool uses your Spotify data from the past six months, analyzes it, and creates a Color Palette based on that. Spotify Color Palette is a third-party tool created by Israel Medina, who is an American software developer. It will let you visualize your music listening habits in the most vibrant manner.

The Color Palette tool is also similar to that.

Previously, a tool named Spotify Iceberg went viral and allowed users to create a massive glacier featuring the names of their favorite artists. You get a number of options to know more about your listening habits and you can also share it with your friends. This trending tool uses your data from the most popular music streaming platform and then generates a color palette based on that.